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Children Age 3-5:

Discovery Place curriculum for children this age is informed by accepted research and theory of how children learn and develop. This “best practice”  is an organized framework of content, process, teacher practice, and educational environment. It includes HOW children learn, WHAT learning is appropriate, and WHEN it is best learned. With learning standards aligned with local and national standards, all areas of early childhood development is addressed, including social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills.


Our curriculum guidelines include eight domains: Language and Literacy, Math and Problem Solving, Social/Emotional Learning, Technology, Creative Expression, Science and Nature, Health and Fitness, Large and Small Motor Development.  


Classrooms are also inspired by the “Reggio Approach” to engage in short and long term investigations (also called “projects”) and materials explorations. These activities involve the use of math, science, literacy, problem solving, etc. by integrating these skills with real world applications. In this “collaborative learning community” children and teachers learn from each other as they plan, research, sketch, and record their learning.

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